Let’s talk about self(and methods), baby.

Natasha Avancini
2 min readDec 9, 2020


As I move on from the first phase of my course and prepare to take on the 2nd, I felt it was appropriate to harp on a few things I was still struggling to grasp. A big part of Object Oriented Ruby is the object part. When creating a program, it’s super important to be able to differentiate between a class and instance method in order to utilize them accordingly. Here I’ll be taking a dive into self and how to better understand class/instance methods.

To distinguish between a class method and an instance method, first we need to look at the method definition — or signature. A class method typically starts with either self or the class name, and it usually only refers to that class in all contexts, but not to any individual instances of that class. An example of this can be seen below:

class Cat
def self.meow #self belongs to the Cat class
Cat.meow == Cat # => true

Here I’ve created a meow class method of Cat. With class methods, the class itself “owns” the method. In this instance, self is pointing to the class Cat. When you’re dealing with an instance method, it will look like any regular method you create, and can be referenced by all instances of that class, but not directly by the class object itself. Here meow would belong to the object created via Cat.new, and referencing to self would only point to a particular instance that is being executed.

class Cat 
def meow #this is an instance method
garfield = Cat.new #this is also saying Cat.new.meow
garfield.meow == garfield # => true

So, to decide whether to use an instance or a class method, ask yourself whether you’re dealing with one object or many. Think of it like this: one instance : Instance Method! Class itself : Class Method! Then make sure to put your self accordingly!

Extra tid bit: A few cool things about self is that you don’t need to use the class name for each class method definition, making the code more fluid in case you need to change the class name. You can also use self in an instance method when you have a local variable with the same name. Since local variables take precedent, using self will call the method instead of printing the value of the variable.

Hope this helps you as much as it did me! Happy coding!



Natasha Avancini
Natasha Avancini

Written by Natasha Avancini


Lentil soup devouring, casual game playing, one pup loving

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